Home 2022: A Year in Review

2022: A Year in Review

Hi everyone,

This was the third year of my blog, so thank you to everyone that has been reading and reaching out to me based on the various posts. This past year had roughly 12 posts, which equates to about 1 a month. Even though it was not very frequent, I did enjoy the posts that made it and, once again, there were a large number of drafts that did not make it. On the plus side, I did manage to put together new series aimed at blue teams which I hoped you all enjoyed. There was also a facelift for the blog which was highlighted in this post (in case you missed it).

Looking Back

On a more personal note, 2022 was the year of change for me. After things went poorly during Covid, I decided to make a change and took a chance on myself. I quit my job, sold all my things and moved to Canada to be with the person that is the most dear to me. From there, things seemed to just work out… I got permanent residency, a new job, and had the best year in my recent history.

  • From a work perspective, I switched jobs and decided to do some good from a detection engineering perspective. My focus is still on the Cloud, and I’ve managed to run several projects that I am quite proud of.
  • From a self-care perspective, I managed to get out of the house during the year, tried new sports, and generally tried to live my life again.
  • From a certifications perspective, I did some courses (even if they didn’t result in certifications), but that is something that I am going to be focusing on again this year.

All in all, 2022 was a fantastic year for me and I hope that things went well for all of you as well!

Looking Forward

Alright, enough with last year. This year (2023) I plan on doing quite a few things aimed at external publishing. It has already started with an externally published blog post which you can find on the MWR CyberSec website titled Is your Security Team’s OPSEC Putting your Organisation at Risk?. I am also currently collaborating on a blog post with some of the global cloud security folks which focuses on a “Multi-Cloud Security Roadmap”.

During this year, I believe that this blog will be pretty quiet. It is not that I am not excited to keep blogging, but I have quite a lot of items on my plate at the moment and I am not sure that I will have the time, nor the mental capacity, to include blogging at the same frequency. That being said, I will keep posting as I have time throughout the year so stay tuned!

If there’s something you’d specifically like me to take a look at and write a blog post on, you are welcome to message me. I hope you all have a fantastic 2023!

This post is licensed under CC BY 4.0 by the author.