Information Security (InfoSec) is generally “red team” focused and one of the main reasons is that in the red team space, people tend to share ideas. There is a ton of collaboration, people open so...
My GitHub Flow
GitHub, Inc. is a provider of Internet hosting for software development and version control using Git. It offers the distributed version control and source code management functionality of Git, ...
Setting Goals for Work
We have already passed the half way mark for the year, and every quarter I review the previous goals that I set for myself in a work oriented fashion, and set new ones for the next quarter. This po...
GCP Setup Part 1 - Creating a Github CI/CD Pipeline
Can I integrate LLMs into the pipeline to perform summaries of changes? / Code Reviews?
Creating a Barebones C2 Channel
The phrase “Command and Control (C2)”, which has its origins in military terminology, refers to the approach an attacker uses to take command of and exercise control over a compromised system. In t...
Routing Traffic Between Windows and Linux
I recently had a situation where I needed to exploit a Windows service but I wanted to catch the reverse shell on my Kali machine. Obviously proxychains or the like could help, but I was already co...
New Note-Taking Tools
Since the start of the new year, I’ve been looking for better tooling to improve the way that I conduct my daily tasks. This has taken me through a journey ranging from Time Management to Motivatio...
Can you Motivate the Unmotivated?
In a workplace – as with in life, it is likely that you will come across individuals who are unmotivated, sometimes that individual is you. I’ve experienced this several times and most people I kno...